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Simulation Nation

Simulation Nation is a “worldcast” that takes place live in virtual reality every week on different spatial platforms. Hosted by Johnny Android with the help of his trusty cyberpunk bot Hiro, they discuss all things metaverse, including VR platforms and tech, but also the movies, books, and games from the days of yore that are helping pave the way to our virtual future.  

We were first introduced to Johnny and his podcast back in 2020 when Cause was interviewed on the show for his own involvement with the first BRCvr event as well as already being an established world builder in the AltspaceVR community. Since then we have kept up with the series even attending a number of his live podcast tapings featuring interviews with friends and colleagues of ours.

Simulation Nation had been a staple of AltspaceVR for quite some time however the stage and setting had never been updated from the early city built with native AltspaceVR kit items. We were brought in to create a fresh new take on the world and as a bonus Christi was among one of the first guests to be interviewed in our newly designed space!

Before we get to the world, however, we would like to share both of our Simulation Nation interviews which honestly give a lot of great insight into both of our pasts, our current processes, and even our future goals. Johnny is a great host, does his research, and asks all the right questions!

(Sep 2020)
(Apr 2022)

The Cyber Falcon Stage

Take a ride through the source code of the metaverse itself as we glide towards Simulation City on our very own Cyber Falcon. Comprised of raw quantum nanoparticles, the cyber falcon is a ‘smart yacht’ that gained sentience. As of the year 2i60, it was deemed a new species and was granted full autonomy and protection by The Council of the Wise.

– Johnny Android

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