Failed to Render is a regular weekly comedy show hosted entirely within virtual reality (VR). Owner Kyle Render created the show as a response to venues being shut down during the early days of the pandemic in 2020, giving stand-up artists a chance to continue delighting audiences and keeping our spirits high. We designed one of his flagship venues which hosts comedians from all across the world.
The FTR Comedy Club
We met Kyle early on in Microsoft’s now defunct platform AltspaceVR where he was hosting nightly standup comedy and open mics. The hustle was real and the people were enjoying it. One day disaster struck the team and all of their environments were suddenly lost and irretrievable to them. Well we happened to be heavily into AltspaceVR world building at the time so we were able to step up and help design a brand new venue for the show.
Kyle’s only direction was to make it feel “underground” so the venue basically looks like an abandoned water treatment facility in the heart of Brooklyn NY magically transformed by trust fund hipsters with too much disposable income into a swanky underground night club. It holds about 50-60 people comfortably, has a private green room for artists, a DJ booth, and even a back room office for the staff. We’ve also optimized it heavily so that it runs smoothly even on low end devices!
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